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Free Guide Here!

    Guide to Bloating & 5-Day Challenge


    Download this free guide to understand the common causes of bloating. Inside the pages of this guide I reveal five essential steps to rapidly reduce bloating and prevent future IBS flare-ups

    Once this freebie lands in your inbox you will discover:

    The number one meal-time hack that will instantly relieve digestive discomfort and bloating. It costs nothing and you don't need to change the food you're eating for it to work. 

    Why healthy fruits and vegetables can double you over in pain, whereas processed take away sits perfectly fine. I reveal the fruits and vegetables that are safe for sensitive stomachs.

    The three essential pillars for regular, easy to pass bowel motions, ahh... Heavenly

    Sounds like something you need,
    doesn't it? 

      It's Time To Meet Your Dietitian...

      Hey, I'm Chelsea!

      I'm an Accredited Practising Dietitian with expertise in Irritable Bowel Syndrome and the founder of The IBS Relief Program, a completely digital solution helping IBS sufferers from all over Australia, New Zealand, USA, Canada, UK, Europe & more!  
      The average time between symptom onset, to an IBS diagnosis is 6.5 years. If you're like most of my IBS clients who've been provided with little to no help since diagnosis, then chances are you're feeling pretty frustrated and lonely. 
      I've lost count of the number of clients who were told to simply 'eat more fibre', 'relax, it's all in your head' or 'live with it, there's nothing that can be done'. 
      Many of my clients have been paralysed by this advice, stuck with no clear direction to take. 
      I realised that the IBS community needed people that could take the time, listen and provide an effective, step-by-step strategy to help relieve symptoms. 
      I put hours of my time into developing a formula that can fast-track your results to IBS relief. My clients have seen huge successes in overcoming crippling flare-ups of cramping, bloating, constipation and diarrhoea. 

      It doesn't require a long term elimination diet. There is not a prescription to fill for the rest of your life. You do not need to undergo an invasive or dangerous procedure.

      I've coached 100's of people living with IBS from all around the world and I’m all for helping you fast track your results, so you can live comfortably without fear, missing out on special occasions with friends and family or wasting money on gimmicky supplements.


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