Meet the Dietitian behind it all...
Hey, I'm Chelsea!

Many of these clients had been told to live with their bloating, constipation or diarrhoea. They felt stuck, let down and had no clear direction to take.
I learnt IBS affects up to 1 in 5 people and 2 in 3 sufferers are women.
It was clear. The IBS community needed people that could take the time, listen and provide an effective, step-by-step strategy to relieve symptoms.
I put hours of my time into developing a formula to fast-track results and crated The IBS Relief Program, a completely digital solution helping IBS sufferers from all over Australia, New Zealand, USA, Canada, UK, Europe & more!
My clients have seen huge successes in overcoming crippling flare-ups of cramping, bloating, constipation and diarrhoea.
It doesn't require a long term elimination diet.
There is not a prescription to fill for the rest of your life.
You do not need to undergo an invasive or dangerous procedure.